Description Jesus enters the town surrounded by crowds pushing in on Him. Zacchaeus, a short man, tries to see Jesus. But he can’t see above the crowds or get through them. He climbs a tree. Jesus calls out to him. He tells Zacchaeus to come down from the tree because He wants to have dinner with him. People are appalled. Zacchaeus is the town tax collector. But Zacchaeus is more than happy. He comes down from the tree and leads the way. Discussion Questions What part of the story did you really like? If Jesus asked to come to your house, how would you respond? How would that make you feel? What would you do with him while He was there? Zacchaeus wanted to get as close as he could to see Jesus. Why would he do that? Why would you want to be close to Jesus? How can we get close to Jesus today? (This would be a good opportunity to give children an opportunity to become Christ followers.) Something I learned about God is ________. From what you learned today, what do you feel God is asking you to do? Discussion Questions What was Jesus’s reaction to the woman only giving 2 small coins? What do you think this says about what is important to God? If I could give God anything, I would want Him to have ___________________. Something I learned about God is ________. God wants you to be part of His story just like the widow was in today’s Bible story. How do you think God wants you to have a part in His story?