Description They arrive at the place where the crosses are being set up. Others are being tied to their crosses. Jesus is stripped and led to His own cross. They throw Him down on it. There are cries as the others are nailed to their crosses. The nails are hammered through Jesus’s wrists and feet as He screams. Then slowly, the crosses are erected as Romans pulls the ropes. Jesus is lifted high in the air. He hangs on the cross, tired and in pain. He prays for those in the crowd. He asks God to forgive them because they don’t know what they do. The crowd murmurs at the feet of the cross. Annas and Caiaphas comment that He saved others. They wonder why He doesn’t save Himself. The crowd starts to jeer. They urge Him to save Himself. But He doesn’t. Discussion Questions Could you imagine being in the story and watching all that happened to Jesus? How did it make you feel? Why do you think Jesus choose to have the people treat him that way? What else do you think he could have done? What choices did the people make? What happened because of the choices Jesus made? This might be a good time to share some of the promises God has made because of Jesus’ death on the cross. I learned that God is _____________. Because of what Jesus has done for me, I want to ________. What I believe God (the Holy Spirit) is saying to me is _____________.